Foot and Ankle Arthritis Treatments

Foot and Ankle Arthritis Treatments:

Although there is no cure for arthritis there are a number of treatments that can reduce pain, and increase function.

  1. Lifestyle Modifications: Some daily lifestyle changes can drastically impact ones lif:
    1. Reduce aggravating activates
    2. Switch to lower impact activities like cycling, swimming, elliptical to lessen the stress on your foot and ankle
    3. Weight reduction
  2. Oral or Topical Medications: NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as naproxen are used often to reduce the inflammation and pain to the joint. Periodically steroid medications are also used.
  3. Steroid Injections: In some cases, an ultrasound guided steroid injection to the affected joint is used to provide direct anti-inflammatory medication to reduce pain and increase function.
  4. Custom Orthotic therapy: Custom inserts that go into your footwear helps to correct the structure and mechanics of the foot in an effort to reduce pain and pressure to the joint(s).
  5. Physical therapy: Strengthening the muscles surrounding the affected joint(s) can provide increased stability to the foot and ankle.
  6. Advanced regenerative medicine like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Human Amniotic Fluid, Hyaluronic acid can be injected into the joint to reduce cartilage wear and cushion the joint (LINKS)
  7. Immobilization: Depending on the severity, the joint may need to be completely offloaded to take the pressure off. A removable Cast boot known as a CAM walker is typically applied and used for several weeks.

Want to learn more about arthritis: CLICK HERE


Kalmar Family Podiatry, Podiatry & Podiatric Surgeons located in Huntington, NY
Kalmar Family Podiatry, Podiatry & Podiatric Surgeons located in Greenlawn, NY

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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