How do I prevent a corn or callus on my foot

Therefore, the best ways to avoid thick painful skin build up is to:

  1. Wear appropriate size shoe gear: The Goldilocks Theory
    1. Wearing shoes that are too small or too tight will squeeze the foot
    2. Wearing shoes that are too big will cause your feet to slide and lead to friction
    3. Small protrusions of the shoe from a stitch or seam can rub your toes
  2. Don’t forget about your socks
    1. Wearing a sock that is too big will take up unwanted room in your shoegear and irritate your foot
  3. At home treatments are available:
    1. Non-medicated corn pads with a hole in the middle
    2. Lamb’s wool between toes to buffer them
    3. Foam or silicone toe interspacers or toe caps

If home treatments do not provide any relief, we strongly encourage an in-office visitation. A corn or callus is not always just a build-up of thick tissue. You may have a wart (viral) infection or the skin build-up could be due to the way that you walk. In that case, medical treatment is recommended. Let’s get you back to being pain free. If you think you have a corn or a callus, call us today for an in-office appointment.

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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