Stretching Exercises for your calves and heels

Towel stretch: With both knees straight, use a belt or towel to pull the top of the
foot toward the shin and hold. Keep your foot/ankle relaxed while you do this. Do not bend your “toes to your nose” as this uses the anterior muscles and cheats the Achilles stretch.

Standing Calf Stretch: Face a wall with the good foot forward and the affected foot back. Point both sets of toes to the wall. With your hands on the wall, lean forward. The front knee should be bent and the back knee should be straight. Lean into the wall untill resistance. Then perform with back knee bent.

Frozen Bottle: Roll it back and forth along the entire bottom of your foot. Go slowly, use mild pressure and make sure to spend extra time on the more painful areas.

Plantar Fascia Stretch: Hold on to the stairs, put the ball of your foot on the edge of the stair and slowly lower your heel. Hold for 3 seconds and then return to a flat footed position. 

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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