
Kalmar Family Podiatry

Podiatry & Podiatric Surgeons located in Huntington, NY

If you have foot problems or pain in your lower limbs and back, realigning and supporting the internal structures of your feet with orthotics can be highly beneficial. The team of expert podiatrists at Kalmar Family Podiatry in Huntington, New York, can help ease your pain and restore mobility with custom made orthotics shoe inserts that rebalance your feet and alleviate pressure on inflamed tissues. Find out more by calling the office today, or book an appointment online.

Orthotics Q & A

What are orthotics?

FDMotion Custom Orthotics

Orthotics are shoe inserts you place inside your footwear to correct structural abnormalities in your feet or to relieve pressure when you have a painful foot condition. Unlike over-the-counter inserts, orthotics are custom made to fit each patient perfectly and provide exactly the right support to relieve pain and adjust the biomechanics of the foot.  Not only are custom orthotics molded perfectly to your foot, but the experts at Kalmar Family Podiatry add modifications to the device depending on your foot type and pathologies for maximum relief and comfort.

Orthotic insoles can also correct problems in the feet that are causing an abnormal gait, which can lead to musculoskeletal problems in the ankles, legs, pelvis, hips, and spine. With the right orthotics, you can move more comfortably and be far more active without experiencing pain or putting a strain on your joints.

What types of orthotics are available?

There are several types of orthotics available at Kalmar Family Podiatry, those designed to change foot function, ones that are primarily protective in nature, and those that combine functional control and protection. Not all custom orthotics are the same! Knowing the correct material and accommodations based on your demographic, problem and foot type are paramount in achieving success from orthotics.  

Rigid orthotics

Also known as supportive orthotics, rigid orthotics are made from a more rigid hard material such as carbon fiber or plastic. This type of orthotic is used to re-align the poor biomechanics of the foot which can not be achieved from a soft Dr. Scholls like insert.  The support of rigid orthotics can help with pain and aching in the legs, thighs, and back, and alleviate pressure on strained tissues.

Soft orthotics

Also known as accommodative orthotics, soft orthotics are designed to take the pressure off of high-pressure areas, absorb shock, and help improve balance. This type of orthotic insole is great for arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, recurrent calluses, ulcerations and more.

Semi-rigid orthotics

Semi-rigid orthotics combine elements of soft and rigid orthotics to help balance the feet for daily activities and playing sports.

Which types of orthotics should children wear?

Children are primarily given orthosis or gait plates for three main reasons: To treat flatfoot, in-toeing, or out-toeing disorders. Athletes often use orthoses to mitigate pain while they train and compete.

Custom orthotics insoles are superior to over-the-counter shoe inserts for many reasons. because Although standard inserts may provide cushioning and a degree of support, custom shoe inserts address the root of the problem by realigning the bones, ligaments, and joints of your foot and ankle.

How does a podiatrist fit my orthotics?

Orthotics are custom made, so they have to be individually designed by your podiatrist at Kalmar Family Podiatry. The first stage is to complete a detailed examination and evaluation biomechanical and gait exam of your feet, ankles, and legs.

Following this examination, your podiatrist takes a 3D laser scan of your feet that they use to help them design the perfect orthotic for each foot. Proper positioning while scanning or molding for foot orthotics is just as important to the orthotic as a complete biomechanical and gait exam.  Improper molding/scanning of the foot is typical with home molded “custom orthotic” kits, shoe store “custom molded” orthotics, and even medical supply stores and other healthcare professionals. Your podiatrist may also recommend additional forms of treatment to improve your comfort and foot health further, such as PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections or shockwave therapy.

To find out more about the benefits of custom orthotics, call Kalmar Family Podiatry today, or book an appointment online.