Keep Your Feet Fungus-Free with These Pedicure Tips

As a podiatrist, I recommend the following tips to help avoid fungus from a pedicure:

  1. Make sure to choose a reputable and clean salon: Look for salons that follow proper hygiene protocols, such as using disposable tools, sanitizing all surfaces, and sterilizing equipment in an autoclave.

  2. Avoid sharing nail polish or other tools: Fungus can be transmitted through shared nail polish bottles or other tools, so it's important to use your own personal items or ensure that any shared tools are properly disinfected.

  3. Don't shave your legs before a pedicure: Shaving can cause small cuts in the skin that can become infected if not properly cared for. It's best to wait until after your pedicure to shave your legs.

  4. Avoid going barefoot in the salon: Wearing flip-flops or sandals can help protect your feet from coming into contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.

  5. Keep your feet clean and dry: Fungus thrives in moist, warm environments, so it's important to keep your feet clean and dry to help prevent the growth of fungus. Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly after showering or swimming, and consider using an antifungal powder to help prevent moisture build-up.

Matthew Kalmar, DPM

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