Top 5 Treatment Options for Warts

Warts are a common viral skin condition we see in Podiatry quite often. Foot warts are derived from the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV for short and can be quite stubborn. Sometimes warts can resolve on their own but if left untreated can persist for several years. Although they are not harmful, they can be painful and annoying. Due to the persistent challenges warts present there are several different treatment options available all with various success rates. Kalmar Family Podiatry will discuss the Top 5 wart treatment options.

#1: Salicylic Acid Therapy and In-office Acid Therapy



#2: Cryotherapy




#3: Imiquimod (Aldara Cream)


#4: Surgical Excision


#5: Swift Microwave Therapy

Garrett Kalmar, DPM, AACFAS

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