Winter's Balancing Act

Winter’s popular women’s boots typically feature tall, spiked heels and narrow, pointed toes. These boots can make your feet unstable on snow- and ice-covered surfaces.

A stylish low-heeled winter boot is a lot more fashionable than a cast and crutches. We recommend that women scuff up the soles of new boots, or purchase adhesive rubber soles, to provide greater traction.

Falls from high-heeled winter boots can lead to a number of injuries, depending on how you lose your balance. If your ankles roll inward or outward, you can break your ankles. If your ankle twists, ligaments can be stretched or torn, causing an ankle sprain. Broken and sprained ankles can be present at the same time. Slipping or falling in these boots can also cause broken toe, metatarsal and heel bones.

If you do get hurt, call a foot and ankle surgeon for prompt evaluation and treatment. In the meantime, the RICE method should be followed. This involves:

Tips to avoid winter ankle injuries:

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